April 20th Daybook

April 20, 2010 by Rieshy

FOR TODAY, as part of The Simple Woman's Daybook:

Outside my window... the sky is mocking me by pretending to be full of rain clouds.

I am thinking... that virbirnum are gorgeous.

I am thankful for... our pediatrician, who called to make sure she got to see our 4 yo son before she leaves on vacation.

From the learning rooms...
term papers continue.

From the kitchen...
my cupboards and fridge are anorexic.  I must shop today.  

I am creating... I'm finishing up spinning a shetland angora blend for a cardigan sweater.

I am going...
to the grocery store.

I am reading... nada this week.  Unless I count my husband's copy of Ender's Game, which I keep picking up and reading a page or two from where-ever my husband's bookmark happens to be.

I am hoping...
that the pediatrician will tell me that my 4 yo has had a growth spurt, which would explain his recent metabolic issues. 

I am hearing... the clicking of my 10 yo checking her email.

Around the house... I'm still painting walls; which is always better than climbing them.

One of my favorite things...
the color of springtime yellow-green deciduous tree leaves against the deep, dark green, of Cypress trees.  Cypress trees are the ebony pencil of Spring.

Here is my "picture for thought" 

The third spool of Shetland/Angora, 1/3 full.

Posted in Labels: | 2 Comments »


Unknown said...

I APPRECIATE you thoughts...and the wool is looking GORGEOUS! You have warmed my heart this morning..

Janice said...

That wool looks fabulous. Hope you got some food into those cupboards and got the right result from the paediatrician.

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