For reasons that I cannot presently remember I decided to cut back to 2 cups of coffee a day.
Today was the day. I tried to relish my first cup, to truly be, "present in the moment" as I sipped my (nectar of the gods) french roast. I burned my tongue. Seriously? I haven't burned my tongue since I first began drinking coffee at the ripe old age of 5. My children call me Asbestos Woman.
That's been the high point of my day. I am also out of chocolate and didn't have time to go running. So I decided to go outside and breathe while my boys took a break in their fort.
For reasons that I cannot presently remember I decided to cut back to 2 cups of coffee a day.
Today was the day. I tried to relish my first cup, to truly be, "present in the moment" as I sipped my (nectar of the gods) french roast. I burned my tongue. Seriously? I haven't burned my tongue since I first began drinking coffee at the ripe old age of 5. My children call me Asbestos Woman.
That's been the high point of my day. I am also out of chocolate and didn't have time to go running. So I decided to go outside and breathe while my boys took a break in their fort.
I saw.
Not exactly the authorized storage facility for those tools.
Is any child's play place complete without a rusty can o'nails handy?
I headed back inside so my head could explode in quiet. Luckily I turned to take a couple more shots.
My kids helped me plant this tree when it was small enough to fit in my car's back seat.
Happy mistreater of tools that they are, I love that they have the time and place and imagination to build in fresh air.
I made tea, my head didn't explode, they cleaned up the tools, my 13 yo scouted for loose nails.
Sometimes it's all about where you point your camera.