I've been reading "Wives and Daughters" by Elizabeth Gaskell. I loved (and could relate to) this line of Cynthia Kirkpatrick's; "I'm capable of a great jerk, an effort, and then a relaxation but steady everyday goodness is beyond me. I must be a moral kangaroo!"
Everyday-anything takes discipline, and steady desire, and daily effort.

Speaking of steady effort, if it wasn't raining again I'd show you how large this hole is now.
What a cute boy and picture, great blog, found you at MBC
Aren't kids amazing with the energy they have. To dig a hole, just for the sake of digging a hole sounds like expending way too much energy for me! :)
Love the picture though, very cute!
I like your blog. Found you through Mom Bloggers Follow Group. I'm now following and looking forward to reading more.
How cute! I look forward to seeing the pic of the hole. :)
I'm following your lovely blog. I found you at MBC! :)
Feel free to stop by and check mine out at http://raisingmy4sons.com (lots of giveaways going on right now...more to come soon.)
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