This morning my 4 1/2 year old son pulled on a pair of pants that fit 5 minutes ago.
They are two inches too short.
My heart aches with joy.
This isn't the normal sweet joy of a mom watching her sturdy toddler stretch into a skinny young child. It's a victory dance of joyful thankfulness.
It's hard to explain.
This child of mine, is a child I've watched slip into unconsciousness. This child of mine, with FOD, is a child to whom any growth spurt is a dangerous time of possible metabolic decompensation. The phrase "growing pains" takes on a whole new meaning with this child.
However this child of mine is busy lasso'ing his brother with a yo-yo while pulling on above mentioned too-short jeans.This child of mine is alive. Alive and growing. Alive and growing well.
I have to admit today's joy is still tinged with a hint of sadness and even fear for his future medical unknowns. - but those are my growing pains, spiritual not physical.
To any parent dealing with a child's chronic illness, growing pains hurt. But with faith, in my experience, the sadness is slowly tinged with joy and then the joy grows until it is joy tinged with sadness.
What happens next I don't know. I'm not there yet. But, "I can do all things through him who strengthens me."- Philippians 4:13 So I know I'll have more growing pains... and in the end,
that's a good thing.

This morning my 4 1/2 year old son pulled on a pair of pants that fit 5 minutes ago.
They are two inches too short.
My heart aches with joy.
This isn't the normal sweet joy of a mom watching her sturdy toddler stretch into a skinny young child. It's a victory dance of joyful thankfulness.
It's hard to explain.
This child of mine, is a child I've watched slip into unconsciousness. This child of mine, with FOD, is a child to whom any growth spurt is a dangerous time of possible metabolic decompensation. The phrase "growing pains" takes on a whole new meaning with this child.
However this child of mine is busy lasso'ing his brother with a yo-yo while pulling on above mentioned too-short jeans.This child of mine is alive. Alive and growing. Alive and growing well.
I have to admit today's joy is still tinged with a hint of sadness and even fear for his future medical unknowns. - but those are my growing pains, spiritual not physical.
To any parent dealing with a child's chronic illness, growing pains hurt. But with faith, in my experience, the sadness is slowly tinged with joy and then the joy grows until it is joy tinged with sadness.
What happens next I don't know. I'm not there yet. But, "I can do all things through him who strengthens me."- Philippians 4:13 So I know I'll have more growing pains... and in the end,
that's a good thing.
Wonderful post, lesson and yay for your child!
oh, I'm so glad!
A wonderful perspective and explanation. I know how you feel!!! Prayers for you all!
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