Rain and Wind

May 27, 2010 by Rieshy
Last night on our way to church it was pouring down rain.  Pouring, as in how a faucet pours.  We laughed because the sky above was blue and beautiful.  I looked for the cartoon bubble that should have been attached to the van.  It would have made the rain make sense.

When we got home we discovered our apple tree had been completely uprooted and one of our neighbor's huge Bradford Pear trees had snapped in half.  Their tree clobbered their fence and clobbered another tree.  Now, when I sit at my computer desk and look out the window I can no longer pretend I live in the woods.

Now, when my neighbors go swimming or want to sit on their deck for a quiet moment they will be reminded that their neighbors have 7 children.  Who are those crazy people?

Rain. Wind. Sigh.

Out of no-where and returned to no-where.

We did stand the apple tree back up last night.  It looks happy this morning.  It's loaded with apples; hopefully they will ripen.

I'm sure there is some deep meaning or parable in this post, just waiting to get out.  Unfortunately, I ran out of coffee and am drinking chamomile tea this morning.

Peter Rabbit was correct, chamomile tea is neither tasty nor inspiring.  It is, in fact, rather slimy and has made me sleepier rather than wakier.


How dost my 15 year old dear daughter know that I loveth her?
She is still living- and living unscathed- after injudiciously commenting that I drink too much coffee.
Posted in Labels: | 3 Comments »


Unknown said...

Life without coffee!!! NOOOOoooooooooooo!!
"Out of no where and returned to no where"
There's your moral Alice. :)

Felicity said...

My 15 year-old daughter thinks I drink too much coffee too! What is it about them?? Well, I think she drinks too much milk - so there!
I dislike chamomile tea - it makes me feel sick.
Sorry about your trees - I like my tree-screen to hide away from the neighbours too!

Anonymous said...

So I left a comment this morning on this post and then I forgot to do the word verification, but it said, "Comment Published" so I left. I am glad I came back.

Coffee is like air. We need it. She will understand one day.

Also, we had a flowering crabapple tree outside our kitchen window. It died and was removed last year. It took me 6 months to stop missing it. Yes, it only flowered for 1 week out of the year unless it rained, then maybe 1 day, but I loved the branches. They were so intricate.

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